
We are our choices and what we accomplish

In I.B.I. Cosmetics we are convinced that ethics has to do with the choices we make and with the breadth of the criteria we adopt to validate the results. The former must deal with a perspective that is as broad as possible, must respond to the purpose of giving the best to our customers and, at the same time, aiming to eliminate the negative impact on the planet and the future that we will leave on the shoulders of our children. For corporate culture, we constantly ask ourselves if there is something better or more that we can do to give strength and meaning to the experience of those who will use our products.


Another fundamental value for I.B.I. Cosmetics is the responsibility and, consequently, the commitment to take charge of the complexity of things. With this spirit we are committed to our society, the planet and sustainable development. The UN 2030 Agenda is a guide for our decisions, but well before the world program was drawn up, the group of which IBI is a part was committed to supporting projects in some areas of Sierra Leone, Ethiopia and Africa , with the aim of promoting literacy, supporting agriculture and the procurement of drinking water in collaboration with the NGO Coopi of Milan.

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