Love at first curl

Curly Method

New, rich, and complete line for a moisturizing, defining, and nourishing ritual for curly hair in line with the Curly Method. For softer hair, more supple curls, and radiant hair. The products are all free of silicones, mineral oils, waxes, phthalates, and alcohol while containing two unique active ingredients in a functional dose:

  • BIOTECH HYDRA OILS, obtained through an Enzymatic Activation Technology of Plant Oils (almond, olive, flax, borage)
  • VITAMIN B5, with moisturizing power.

The new line is multi-user and consists of 5 products:


  2. HYDRATING MASK (fine to normal hair)

  3.  EXTRA NOURISHING MASK (coarse hair and very thick hair) 

  4. SHAPING SPRAY without rinsing

  5. NO RINSE MEMORY CREAM elasticizing cream with memory effect, no rinse

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